
Showing posts from 2014

The "Good Friend" experiment

Okay, it wasn't really an experiment per se.... but it sounded way cooler than "I was thinking about this so I asked other people's opinions and gleaned info from them." See? Either way, I've been slightly plagued by this "am I good friend, or not" thought process for a little while now. I've always seen myself as a bad friend, since I hardly EVER set up times to meet with other women, or try to do the little things that friends supposedly do. I don't spend any real amount of time on the phone talking out my problems, or listening to someone talk about theirs. I barely talk to my sister on the phone, so it's not like anyone should take this personally. When it comes to venting.. I usually vent at Jon (poor man) or if I need to vent about him (yeah right), I'll finally call my sister or my mom. I also see my inability to invite people to my house as a bad friend trait... but I also feel like I'm saving EVERYONE the embarrassment of...